26 April 2009

Indian Princess, Fairy, or Geisha?

I have been thinking about Halloween a lot lately. It's 6 months away and I need to decide on a kick ass costume. For the last couple of years I've been taking my niece and nephew trick-or-treating and we all dress in a group theme. Last year it was The Wizard of Oz and I was the Wicked Witch of the East. Year before I was Nymphadora Tonks. Year before that I was a Saints football player. Well this year there has been chatter that we will be doing Peter Pan. If so, then I will dress as Tiger Lily the Indian Princess. I think that would be a great costume. However, I may just go off on my own and dress as a fairy or a geisha. I have seen some amazing fairy wings in really beautiful colors. I've also found some corsets that would perfect! I think dressing as a fairy would be super fun. But on the other hand, I have been told for years that I look Asian (actually, they say Oriental, but that's another story) and dressing as a geisha would be a kick! I've looked at some robes on line and there is a really awesome selection. What to do, what to do? I guess I will give it a couple more months before I decide. Who knows, I may change my mind before then!

04 April 2009

Missing Loved Ones

I have not written in a while. March was a very hard month. My mother in law did pass away while we were visiting her in Florida. I am glad we were able to spend time with her. She was so young, 46. Life throws a lot of curve balls. This time it was a swing and a miss. J is going through so much. It's hard to watch him suffer and not be able to do much to help. He has all my love and support. I hope it helps.

I also had a dear friend pass away. Bobby Landry was a wonderful person. We had some fun and crazy times! My BFF Reese and I have been recalling all of our memories of him. Needless to say, we end up in fits of laughter! Bobby had a way of getting you to do whatever he wanted. I think it was his smile and dimples. He had Reese and I covering empty bottles in melted crayons. Yeah, one or two is cool, but he would request blue ones and short one and whatever. He would start off melting one crayon then he would pass it off to someone else and watch. Pointing out the spots we missed! Bobby was also a great story teller. He couldn't just say something, he had to act it out. Like the time he saw an Asian woman tripping while crossing the street. That simple act morphed into a 3 minute comedy skit. I can still picture him going through the motions. My favorite though, is when he imitates getting hit by a car. Bobby would get in front of the car and jog in place . Every once in a while he would turn and wave. His speed would increase and his expressions would change. Then all of a sudden he would throw himself onto the hood of the car. It was hilarious! I think Reese still pulls that move. Oh and "My eye! My Eye!" All I will say is that it involves a fork and little containers of half & half!
Enough said!