26 December 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New.

Why do I still even have a blog? I thought I would be much more devoted to writing on this thing, but I guess I'm not. Twitter and Facebook have taken over my life. Any free time I have I use to check and update those sites. Lame, right? Well, that's me. Lame.

Recently, I have been working on a little side project. It involves my cellphone camera and one pretty buff action figure. Now, I wont go into detail just yet, but 2010 will be the year of the wolf. My buddy and me have gone on some great adventures and spent some time with many fantastic people. I think it's time the world sees what we've been up too. Like it or not, Little JB will be making his blog debut.

Are you ready?

28 October 2009

I Just Don't Get It!

Today I was behind a truck that had a huge fleurs-de-lis sticker on it's rear window. This sticker was of a duck, fish, and deer shaped to look like a fleurs-de-lis. I know it's popular and almost everyone has it, but I just don't get it! Where do you even find these stickers? Wal Mart? Really?

So, in honor of the wildlife fleurs-de-lis, I present my list of things I just don't get.*
  • Jon and Kate Gosselin
  • Dancing with the Stars
  • The Bachelor/Bachelorette
  • Ed Hardy
  • Hummers 1, 2, and 3
  • iPhone
  • Fake nails
  • Nike
  • Lindsay Lohan
  • Pastalaya
  • Iced Tea
  • Tom Cruise
  • Dane Cook
  • Camping
  • Rims
  • Country Music
  • Eminem
  • The Notebook
  • Sponge Bob Square Pants
  • Texas
  • Tattoos
  • Movie Remakes
  • Dr. Phil
  • Crocs
  • Man Jewelry

*list can and will change at any time.

09 October 2009

A Few Words From Our President

This was in my e-mail today:

Friend --

This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.

To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.

That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.

This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.

So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama

Well said.

01 October 2009


Yes I'm still alive.

It's been a while, huh?

I could blame it on my hectic work schedule or my busy social life, but that would be a big fat lie. The truth is that nothing fun and exciting is happening for me to write about. If I had it my way, I would lounge around all day reading books and surfing the net. Is there any way I can get paid to do that?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So, I guess it's back to the daily grind of fake smiles and forced enthusiasm.


At least I have a vacation coming up. Not really going anywhere, though. Maybe a couple of nights away. Not sure. One day I will be able to write about my big trips. England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii............
I would like to see all 50 states. Check out the view from the top of the Statue of Liberty. Gaze at the faces on Mt Rushmore. Visit Alcatraz. Visit Forks! There is so much I want to do. I still haven't been to Vegas and I'm dying to go to LA!

I wish I would have done more when I was younger. So many opportunities were missed because of silliness. Because of selfishness. Because of ignorance.

If I only knew then what I know now.


26 July 2009

Fix You

When you try your best, but you don't succeed. When you get what you want, but not what you need. When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep. Stuck in reverse.
And the tears come streaming down your face. When you lose something you can't replace. When you love someone but it goes to waste. Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. And I will try to fix you.
High up above or down below. When you're too in love to let it go. But if you never try you'll never know, just what you're worth.
Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. And I will try to fix you.
Tears stream down your face when you lose something you cannot replace.
Tears stream down your face and I.
Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes.
Tears stream down your face and I.
Lights will guide you home. And ignite your bones. And I will try to fix you.

17 July 2009

Dr. Dolittle Has Nothing On Me!

I think I missed my calling. I should have been a veterinarian. I love animals. I love, love, love them! Some people are drawn to babies. I'm drawn to animals. Right now there is an ASPCA commercial on TV showing stray and abandoned animals with the Willie Nelson song "Always On My Mind" playing in the background. That commercial kills me. I can't watch it. If your heart does not break at the sight of it, then you are cold and dead inside.

Several months ago, I nursed an injured duck back to health. I car must have hit him while he was trying to cross the highway and he was bleeding and in shock. J wanted me to just leave him alone, but I couldn't leave him there to die without trying to help. After calling several wildlife agencies, I found someone who could give me tips on how to take care of the duck. I was so scared the duck was going to die. I made J check on him over and over. I didn't want to be the one to find him dead. I gave him food and water and a towel to hide in. The poor thing couldn't move. When J left for work the next day, he opened the door to find the duck sitting on our welcome mat. I have no idea how the duck knew which door was ours. It must have taken him forever to get there. Needless to say, I was so happy he survived the night! His wing was messed up and he couldn't walk very well, but he was alive. He stayed on our front porch for a couple of days and when he was well enough he left. He comes by to visit every now and then. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.

About 2 years ago, J and I were adopted by a little orange tabby cat named Papaya. She is the sweetest little outside cat. It's so much fun to watch her chase lizards and dragonflies. Her curiosity can get her into a bit of trouble, but she always manages to wiggle out of it unharmed. Well, almost always! Three days ago, Papaya showed up with a big bump near her eye. I think she may have gotten stung by a wasp or maybe she got into a fight with another cat. Who knows! One of her little eyes were swollen and I think she was in some pain. I noticed she had a small wound above her eye, so I decided to clean it out with peroxide and treat it with anti-bacterial ointment. Easy peasy, right? Wrong! Cats don't like it when you pour peroxide on them. It's even harder to apply the ointment. We went around in circles until I was able to treat her. I did this for the last couple of days. She was not happy, but all of my persistence paid off. Today Papaya looks a whole lot better. Her eye is not as swollen and the bump has gone way down. I think my little rascal will be just fine.

Oh! I need to write about Petey! Petey is awesome! Petey is a rock pigeon that just showed up at work one day. He hangs out with us and at the hotel next door. Everybody loves Petey. He goes in and out of the hotel lobby and sits outside my window. I talk to Petey as much as I can. I tried to give him some crackers, but he wasn't interested. Today I set him up with a bowl of birdseed and a bowl of water. He loved it. When I got back from lunch he was sitting on my windowsill. My co-workers said he was looking for me while I was gone and flew up to my window when he couldn't find me. He stayed there until I acknowledged him. I also bought a bird feeder for all of the little birds that hang out around work. I hung it in the tree outside of my window. I felt so sorry for those little birds. More than one of them tried to eat a cigarette butt that was littering the parking lot. It was a sad sight.

30 May 2009


I'm lucky. I know I'm lucky. Yes I would like a higher paying job and a new house, but I am so thankful for what I have.

My husband, J, is a wonderful man. He works hard and is such a comfort in stressful situations. He's had struggles in his life and could have taken the easy way out, but he didn't. Right now J is seriously grieving the loss of his mother. I wish I could take his heartache away. I want to scoop him up and protect him from the weight of his pain. But I can't. It's hard to watch someone you love suffer and not be able to do much about it. I listen to him. I comfort him. I hold him. Hopefully it helps to some degree. I want to be a pillar of strength for him, like he is for me.

J is my rock. He makes me feel strong, beautiful, smart, and funny. I am so thankful that he is in my life.

Like I said, I'm lucky.

26 April 2009

Indian Princess, Fairy, or Geisha?

I have been thinking about Halloween a lot lately. It's 6 months away and I need to decide on a kick ass costume. For the last couple of years I've been taking my niece and nephew trick-or-treating and we all dress in a group theme. Last year it was The Wizard of Oz and I was the Wicked Witch of the East. Year before I was Nymphadora Tonks. Year before that I was a Saints football player. Well this year there has been chatter that we will be doing Peter Pan. If so, then I will dress as Tiger Lily the Indian Princess. I think that would be a great costume. However, I may just go off on my own and dress as a fairy or a geisha. I have seen some amazing fairy wings in really beautiful colors. I've also found some corsets that would perfect! I think dressing as a fairy would be super fun. But on the other hand, I have been told for years that I look Asian (actually, they say Oriental, but that's another story) and dressing as a geisha would be a kick! I've looked at some robes on line and there is a really awesome selection. What to do, what to do? I guess I will give it a couple more months before I decide. Who knows, I may change my mind before then!

04 April 2009

Missing Loved Ones

I have not written in a while. March was a very hard month. My mother in law did pass away while we were visiting her in Florida. I am glad we were able to spend time with her. She was so young, 46. Life throws a lot of curve balls. This time it was a swing and a miss. J is going through so much. It's hard to watch him suffer and not be able to do much to help. He has all my love and support. I hope it helps.

I also had a dear friend pass away. Bobby Landry was a wonderful person. We had some fun and crazy times! My BFF Reese and I have been recalling all of our memories of him. Needless to say, we end up in fits of laughter! Bobby had a way of getting you to do whatever he wanted. I think it was his smile and dimples. He had Reese and I covering empty bottles in melted crayons. Yeah, one or two is cool, but he would request blue ones and short one and whatever. He would start off melting one crayon then he would pass it off to someone else and watch. Pointing out the spots we missed! Bobby was also a great story teller. He couldn't just say something, he had to act it out. Like the time he saw an Asian woman tripping while crossing the street. That simple act morphed into a 3 minute comedy skit. I can still picture him going through the motions. My favorite though, is when he imitates getting hit by a car. Bobby would get in front of the car and jog in place . Every once in a while he would turn and wave. His speed would increase and his expressions would change. Then all of a sudden he would throw himself onto the hood of the car. It was hilarious! I think Reese still pulls that move. Oh and "My eye! My Eye!" All I will say is that it involves a fork and little containers of half & half!
Enough said!

06 March 2009


Tomorrow morning J and I leave for Orlando. I wish it was a trip of pleasure, but it's not. My mother-in-law has cancer and she is barely hanging on. It's been such an emotional week for us. Hopefully, this time with her will be healing. We need to make our peace and pray that she knows how much she is loved. It is in God's hands now.

24 February 2009

Bobby, can you hear me?

I love The West Wing. The writing is smart and thought provoking. In almost every episode, hot topic issues are debated and the viewer gets to hear the pros and cons of both sides of the argument. In this morning's episode on Bravo, they touched on the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools. As most of you know, Governor Bobby Jindal wants Intelligent Design to be taught in our public schools along with the Theory of Evolution. This is becoming more and more of an issue in public schools lately. Of course I have my position on the subject. When don't I, right? Well, I thought the following exchange from The West Wing describes my position perfectly. It just makes sense to me!

Do you believe in the Theory of Intelligent Design?
I do believe in God and my faith tells me that there was a designer behind it all.
Do you believe in the Theory of Evolution?
Well, I think it would be fairly difficult to teach, geology, anthropology, zoology
without evolution. So, yes, I do.
I don't think it's contradictory to believe in science and believe in God.
Do you believe that the Theory of Intelligent Design and the Theory of Evolution should be taught along side each other in Public Schools?
Absolutely not. One is based on science and one is based on faith. Intelligent Design is not a scientific theory, it's a religious belief and our Constitution does not allow for the teaching of religion in our public schools.
Many people here would be more comfortable if our children were taught all points of view.
I'm all for that. Evolution is not perfect. It doesn't answer every question, but it is based on scientific facts. Facts that can be predicted, tested, and proven. Intelligent Design asks theological questions. I'm sure that at the beginning of all that "begatting" something begun. What was that something?
Many of us want a version of science taught to our kids that's in accordance to our beliefs.
I understand. Can't we agree that the inclusion of non scientific explanation into the science curriculum of our schools misrepresent the nature of science? And therefore compromises the central purpose in our public education which is the preparation of a scientifically literate work force. If you have a problem with your child's education, get involved. If you have a problem with what the school board wants to teach, run for school board. We can never forget that the best way to preserve our democracy is to take part in it.

To be a person of faith, is to have the world challenge that faith. Was the universe designed by God? That is up to everyone in this country to decide for themselves. Because the Framers of our Constitution believed that if the people wanted to be sovereign and belong to different religions at the same time then our official religion would have to be no religion at all. It is a bold experiment then as it is now. It wasn't made to make us comfortable. It was meant to make us free.

-from "Mr. Frost" episode 136 of The West Wing
written by: Alex Graves 2005

09 February 2009

What are you doing right now?

I am really getting into all of this Facebook and Twitter stuff. I always have to check just one more time to see if there is an update that I missed. Up until a couple of months ago, I had no idea what any of these people were up to. Most of them never even entered my mind. Now, I can't wait to read about what everyone is doing. It's addicting! I want J to get on Facebook, but he has no desire to do so. He never reads my blog either. I guess living with me is enough.

29 January 2009

The Good, The Bad, The.....Whatever!

Nothing much, yet so much, has been going on. Thankfully, Sophie is getting much, much better. I still struggle sometimes when giving her the medication, but I really improved! She goes back to the vet next week for a check up and hopefully she gets the all clear.

J returned Saturday from his long overdue trip to Florida. It has been about a year since he last saw his family. Sadly, my mother-in-law has cancer and she is very ill. I'm so happy he got to spend the week with her. Hopefully he will be able to return soon. It is very important for him to spend as much time with her as possible. I wish we lived closer. It's hard to be so far away from them during this time.

Things at work have been getting crazy. My boss is being transferred by March, one of my co-workers quit, and another one of my co-workers just put in her 2 weeks notice. This means that it will be up to me and one other person to pretty much run things until we can be restaffed. How this will work out? I have no idea! This is why I am looking for a new job. I refuse to do the work of three people for the amount of money they are paying me. If anyone knows of any places that are hiring, please let me know. I want to be out of that place by March.

16 January 2009

Open wide, Sophie!

I just can't do it. I have tried and tried, but she just wont let me give her that damn pill! The vet even let me come in so he can give me a lesson on how to pill my cat, but I just can't do it. Sophie has a very bad bladder infection. She is urinating blood and pus all over my house. She will be on antibiotics for three weeks. Three weeks! How will I be able to give her medicine for three weeks? She hates me right now. I feel so bad for her! If only I would have taken her to another vet before this week. My old vet told me she was using the bathroom outside of her litter box because she has anxiety. He wanted to put her on Prozac! Every six to eight months, Sophie would start "making" downstairs on the floor for like a month or so. J would yell and scream and Sophie would hide. I thought he was making her anxiety worse that's why she kept on doing it. I now find out that she has been suffering from these infections for some time. It took me finding blood on my floor to freak out and take her to the new vet. I should have known that the old vet was out of his mind. He told me my other cat was gravely ill and could die any day. That was a lie! He just wanted to take me for everything I had. That asshole needs to get his license taken away. Better yet, someone needs to kick his ass. He has it coming!

Update: Yeah, I did it! I gave Sophie her pill on the first try! I'm #1! I'm #1!

11 January 2009

Alert!! Style Rant

I'm sorry, but I really don't understand the trend of one particular fake designer handbag. How can this fake bag be more popular than the original? I bet that the majority of the people who bought this fake bag had no idea it was a bad designer knock off. They just saw everyone else with it so they wanted it too. I know someone who bought the purse in red, lime & hot pink and the whole luggage set in blue! She was so proud of herself. I just smiled and nodded. I thought that maybe this trend would have ended by now, but no it has not. That tacky bag is still being sported all over town. People, please! You shouldn't still be carrying your Spring/Summer bag in the Fall/Winter. Side thought: how many people wear different fragrances for different seasons? Also, does your hair color change when the leaves do? I wear a lighter scent during the warmer months and a heavier scent in the cooler months. It's just something I've always done. Just like I will only lighten my hair in the Summer. Maybe I'm crazy? Who knows?!!
Anyway, I feel sorry for the people who bought the real bag. First of all, it's hideous. Secondly, every dime store is carrying the knock off for like $19.99. You know these women are saying "But my bag is the real one." Yes honey your bag is the real one, but it is still f'n ugly and you have no taste.
I'm just saying!