22 July 2007

The Boy Who Lived

After 15 hours of non stop reading, I have finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I cried, I cheered, I laughed, I even held my breath. But most of all I LOVED! I absolutely loved this book. What a wonderful send off. I was so nervous about the deaths. J.K. said that one character got a reprieve, but two others had to die. Well, I was not expecting the 5 deaths that did happen. No, that is not the total of deaths in the last book. That is just the number for the good guys! There are a load more deaths if we count those on the "dark side." I wish I could go into detail about everything that I loved about this book, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
I will re-read the book. This time taking it nice and slow. When I am done, I will write what I loved about it. By that time, all the true Harry Potter fans should have finished. Until then........

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