01 July 2008

Tabby Update

Yesterday the vet called with Tabitha's test results. She is suffering from kidney failure. I had to bring her in asap to be admitted for treatment. They are giving her antibiotics and I.V. fluids to flush out her system. When I visited her today she looked so sad in her little cage. She has a brace on her front leg to keep the I.V. in and it prevents her from walking. It broke my heart to see her that way. However, I did get some encouraging news. They seem to think that Tabby is making some improvements. Her eyes are clearing up and she is urinating regularly, but we wont know the extent of it until they compare last weeks test to this weeks one. Hopefully, the vet was aggressive enough with his treatment so that Tabby will be okay and can come home soon. We miss her so much!

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