25 November 2007

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Five days until vacation! I cannot wait. I've started washing clothes and getting things ready. It is hard to know what to pack. Will it be cold or not? This week it went from 52 degrees to 75 degrees. Yesterday I wore a coat and today I had on short sleeves. Crazy, huh? I guess I will just pack clothes that I can layer.
So, I've started Christmas shopping. Everything has been bought online. I have not stepped foot inside of a mall yet. I'm still searching for the perfect gifts for my niece and nephew. J and I took them to two toy stores to see what they were interested in. She likes everything Dora the Explorer and he likes Hot wheels and animal figures. However, they both liked this little trampoline. I wanted to buy that for them, but my sister said no. So, it's back to the drawing board. I guess I will try and find the one Dora toy she does not have. As for Prince J, I have no idea. He has three baskets full of little cars and two shelves of big trucks. He does not need any more.
Well, I'm off to unload the dryer. Hopefully I will have more to post when I get back from Florida.
Until then........

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