08 September 2008

Hurricane's Suck!

Whew! I finally have electricity, cable, Internet, and phone service. I must admit that I thought I would be without the above for a lot longer. Electricity was restored on Friday, and the rest started working at 3:30 this morning. I was up at the time and shouted with glee when I realized I could watch TV. I am so behind on my shows! I really need to catch up.
So, let me fill everyone in on my week from hell. I ended up evacuating to Little Rock with J, my dad, my brother and his two cats and my two cats, Tabby & Sophie. J didn't want to leave, but my mom and sister called every 20 minutes begging us to evacuate so we gave in and traveled to Little Rock. Now, none of us were happy about making this trip. What would usually take 7 hours took 15! You think we were happy campers? And to top it off, my cats were stressed out and miserable. They fought with one another and refused to stay in their kennels the whole ride there and back. We stayed in Little Rock from Sunday until Friday. J and I had not planned on staying there that long, but we didn't drive our own car so we were stuck. His work was not happy about that, but that is a whole nother story for another time. Tabby and Sophie did not like being in the same room as my brothers cats. Tabby refused to eat or drink for 4 days, so I brought her to a local vet to get checked out. She was given IV fluids and an appetite stimulant. The vet also said we had to separate my brother's cats from my cats to help alleviate stress. As a result, Todd and his frisky felines moved into their own room. By Thursday night I noticed that Tabby calmed down a great deal and she started drinking on her own. I couldn't wait to get her home so that she could start eating. Which she did by the way. I must say there was one highlight to our trip. J and I got to tour the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. Words cannot describe how wonderful it was. I recommend everyone take a trip to Little Rock just to visit it. It is amazing how the state of our country can change in just 8 short years. So much of what President Clinton accomplished gets overlooked because of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. If it takes getting a blow job in the oval office to balance the budget and have a surplus, to decrease the unemployment rate significantly, to be admired and praised by the United Nations and the rest of the world, then I say W should take it like a man. Tell Condi to strap on some knee pads and get to work! Anyway I digress.
Hurricane Gustav did a pretty nasty job back home. I am just thankful that the storm weakened and didn't hit us at the force that was predicted. My brothers house was hit by a tornado, but it is not a complete loss. My father's bakery had some roof damage and J's truck got messed up by flying debris. Other then broken down trees, our place was fine. It is astonishing the amount of help South Louisiana is getting from other states. They are working around the clock to get us up and running again. My love and heartfelt thanks go out to them.
Well, I hope everyone made it though the storm unscathed. Let's just hope Ike stays the hell away. I can't go through this again!

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