14 December 2008

Coming Soon....Pt. 2?

So, this is my third attempt to post part 2 of my New York trip. My first two drafts have been lost. At this point I do not have the energy to rewrite about my trip. Trust me, I had a blast. I'm sure I will try to write about it again in the future, but for now I will have to put it aside. My next post will be about my Disney trip. Check back soon to read all about it.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Ooh, tell everyone about how we hailed a taxi, and then got in some unmarked car playing loud music, and then payed that dude $35for a $15 taxi ride and how we almost died! And tell them how we saw Twilight twice, and how we didn't get any pictures of Daniel Radcliffe because you made me leave my camera and phone in the room. And, don't forget to say that we got no sleep because we wanted to see everything and only had two and a half days.