01 February 2007

All because of an e-mail!

Okay, I very rarely talk to my friends about politics or religion. I pretty much know that their views and beliefs differ greatly from mine. Politics and religion are pretty common topics at home. J and I like to be kept well informed on world events and domestic issues. We pretty much have the same ideology and agree on most things. I love politics. It is what pushed me to get a degree in government. Now, it is no secret that I am a liberal Democrat. And yes I believe there should be separation of church and state. I do not think there should be organized prayer in school. I do not think there should be a display of the Ten Commandments in front of court houses. I do not think that one religion is right or better then the other. I believe most religions have extremists that are capable of horrible things. Those few should not define the rest. I was raised Catholic. I was also raised to fear everything. I was told so many times that I was going to hell and that I was committing a mortal sin. Fear. It was used to control. Now that I am an adult, I see things differently. Love, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness is much more effective than fear. Be the person who teaches and accepts, not the person who judges and ridicules. Prayer in school will not stop school shootings. Prayer in the HOME may. Communication between parents and children is key. Pay attention to what goes on in the lives of friends and family members. Be present in the day! It's funny how some people fear Harry Potter- a children's book. They call it evil. If they would take the time to read and understand then they would know that the books teach about love, acceptance, friendship, respect, equality, and all around goodness. I have always said to be aware of the person who wears their religion on their sleeve. They are the ones to be worried about. They are the gossips, the gamblers, the drinkers, the sex addicts. If you lead by example, then you don't have to speak a word. Remember, religion is not a weapon. It is a personal relationship between you and your God.

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