06 April 2007


Today I was gonna rant about the whole Rosie O and Bill O feud, but I don't think I will. Bill O is spinning his ass off about the whole WTC7 controversy and Iran hostage thing. For those who don't know, a third building fell on 9-11. WTC7 was not hit by the planes but contained several small fires. This building eventually collapsed onto itself. There are many theories out there. Some believe it was a controlled demolition (Rosie O) and others believe the steel structure melted. Because I was not familiar with this topic, I had to Google it. Wow! There is a ton of information about WTC7 and there is actual video of the destruction. What I found interesting was the video of BBC news reporting on the collapse of WTC7 ten minutes or so before it actually happened. There is also a recording of someone saying "we have to pull it." Now, I suggest you, the reader, do the research yourself and come up with your own conclusions. Remember, this is NOT about the Twin Towers. No one is questioning that. Not even Rosie! It is about the third tower that fell. It's amazing!

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